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The Fit Mum Life

The Fit Mum Life is something I talk about often...but what actually is it?


It's all about, as a busy mum, fully embracing the health & fitness lifestyle so that it's no longer something you do, but it becomes a part of who you are. It's not about quick fixes, short term diets or regimented programs.


It's a mentality.


It's a lifestyle.


It's YOU.

There are 3 parts to The Fit Mum Life:

1. Happiness and Mindset - being happy with who you are, recognising that YOU have needs too and that they must be met, and feeling sexy, energetic, confident and proud of yourself.

2. Healthy Eating - adopting healthy eating habits that are EASY, not a chore. Making smart choices about what you buy at the supermarket, cook at home, eat in a restaurant and snack on throughout the day, without even having to put too much thought or effort into it.

3. Exercise - knowing what exercises are best suited for you to achieve your goals, enjoying them, staying motivated and learning how to prioritise your day so that you always get at least three workouts completed per week.

Rachel Graham Fit Mum with daughteer Lily smiling
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